Diphtheria is a serious infectious disease caused by the Corynebacterium diphtheriae bacterium. This disease can have serious consequences if not treated in time.


Diphtheria usually starts with a sore throat, which can be very painful and cause difficulty swallowing. The affected individual may suffer from fever and a general feeling of weakness. What is characteristic, however, is the appearance of a grey-white or grey-green coating in the throat, which can cause shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. This coating contains pus and other body fluids and is a sign of a serious condition.


Thanks to vaccination, diphtheria is now rare in many parts of the world. This disease used to be the cause of many epidemics, but today it is controlled thanks to vaccination.


Diphtheria is spread by droplet transmission, which means that the bacteria are spread through droplets containing bacteria that are secreted when an infected person sneezes or coughs. This means that people who come into contact with infected individuals are at risk of infection.


Diphtheria is highly contagious. Even brief contact with an infected person can lead to infection if appropriate precautions are not taken.


If diphtheria is not diagnosed and treated in time, it can cause serious complications. These include damage to the heart, nervous system, and other organs. In the most severe cases, it can lead to death.


Vaccination is an effective way to prevent diphtheria. Children are usually vaccinated with a vaccine containing part of the bacterial toxin. The first dose of the vaccine is usually given in the 2nd month of the child’s age, followed by further doses during childhood and adolescence.


Gimmexin® syrup is an innovative product that has been developed to minimize the side effects of vaccination. Its composition includes several key ingredients that help the body better manage the reaction to vaccination and support the overall well-being of patients.


Curcumin. This substance, found in turmeric, has significant anti-inflammatory properties and protects cells from damage caused by free radicals. It also strengthens the immune system and helps the body resist infections.

Organic germanium. This ingredient promotes better oxygenation of tissues and increases the body’s resistance to certain diseases and stressful situations.

Additional components. Magnesium lactate and vitamin C synergistically enhance the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunostimulatory, and adaptogenic effects of curcumin and organic germanium.

Flavour and sweeteners. Gimmexin® syrup is not only effective – it's also tasty. Thanks to its natural sweeteners, glucose and trehalose, this syrup has an excellent taste. This combination of ingredients in Gimmexin® syrup helps minimize the unpleasant side effects of vaccination and promotes rapid recovery and overall well-being for patients, which is important for maintaining health and well-being in the post-vaccination period.