Who is Gimmexin® for? Can it be used from the first vaccination?

Gimmexin® is intended for children from 3 months of age. When you can start using Gimmexin® depends on when your child is first vaccinated. It is generally recommended to start Gimmexin® from 3 months of age, which is a good time frame to start supporting your baby’s immune system.

What is the recommended dosage of Gimmexin®?

Recommended dosage of Gimmexin® 5 days before vaccination and 5 days after vaccination.

How much does Gimmexin® cost?

The recommended retail price for Gimmexin Syrup 100 ml is 593 CZK including VAT.

I have heard that Gimmexin® is only given a week before or a week after vaccination, is this true?

Gimmexin® is recommended to be administered in conjunction with vaccinations. Ideally, start taking Gimmexin® at least 5 days before vaccination and continue taking it for another 5 days after vaccination. This achieves the best effect and support for the immune system at this critical time. It is also important to follow the recommended dosage of Gimmexin®.

One of the main active ingredients is curcumin. What is curcumin?

Curcumin is a key ingredient found in turmeric, a spice extracted from the rhizomes and thickened roots of the turmeric plant. This aromatic spice is known for its distinctive colour and characteristic pungent aroma. The curcumin contained in turmeric has a wide range of potential health benefits. Curcumin has been proven to lower body temperature, among other things, and it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The curcumin contained in Gimmexin® is technologically modified, including processes that may improve its stability and bioavailability. This makes it possible to take better advantage of curcumin's potential benefits. Learn more about curcumin.

Should I take Gimmexin® at every vaccination included in the vaccination schedule?

Yes, Gimmexin® is recommended to be administered at every vaccination in the vaccination schedule, both mandatory and voluntary.

Should I take Gimmexin® before the flu vaccine?

Yes. Gimmexin® is recommended before and after each vaccination.

Is there a vaccine before which Gimmexin® is not recommended?

There is no vaccine before which the administration of Gimmexin® is explicitly not recommended.

Are there any ingredients in Gimmexin® that may act as an allergen?

Some ingredients in Gimmexin® may act as allergens for specific individuals. These are mainly people who are allergic to the components of natural substances contained in Gimmexin. If you have any concerns about a possible allergic reaction, consult your physician.

Is it possible to use Gimmexin® for longer? If the vaccination date has been postponed, for example?

Yes, Gimmexin® can be taken for a longer period.

How long can I store unused but already opened Gimmexin®?

Gimmexin® can be stored until the expiry date stated on the packaging. Once opened, store in the refrigerator.

On what basis does Gimmexin® work?

Gimmexin® works by combining two active ingredients. The first is curcumin, which has the ability to counteract pain, inflammation, and temperature while stimulating the immune system. The second important ingredient is organic germanium, which has strong immunostimulating effects and protects the body from damage caused by free oxygen radicals. Taken together, both of these substances effectively prevent the formation of amyloid plaques in all organs. Importantly, the substances in the patented combination contained in Gimmexin® complement each other and enhance the overall effect of these ingredients.

The main active ingredients include organic germanium. What is organic germanium?

Organic germanium is an element whose concentrations have been found in some mushrooms and plants used in the folk medicine of eastern countries for centuries.

These include:

  • Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum, ling chih, varnished conk), (Patočka, 1999; Babu and Subhasree, 2008)
  • Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng), (Kang et al., 2011)
  • Northern cinnabar polypore (Trametes cinnabarina Fr.) 800–2000 ppm
  • Ginseng (from Shimane Prefecture, Japan) 250 ppm
  • Ginseng (from Shinano Province, Japan) 320 ppm
  • Danshen (Codonopsis pilosula) 257 ppm
  • Angelica pubescens Maxim. 262 ppm
  • Trapa japonica Flerov 239 ppm

Organic germanium has the ability to stimulate the immune system and protect it from pathogens. More information about organic germanium.