Polio, short for poliomyelitis, is an infectious disease caused by the poliovirus. This disease mainly affects children but can also affect adults. Typical symptoms of polio include fever, sore throat, and in some cases the virus can affect the nervous system and cause paralysis.

Vaccination is a key measure in the fight against polio. Modern vaccines such as the oral polio vaccine (OPV) and the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) are effective means of preventing this disease. Thanks to massive vaccination programmes, polio has been significantly reduced in many parts of the world. Prevention and early vaccination are essential to protect children from this serious disease.


Polio vaccination is key to preventing this serious disease and should start from the child’s 9th week of age. Gimmexin® syrup can help you compensate for acute inflammatory reactions. This syrup contains active ingredients such as curcumin and organic germanium, both of which have anti-inflammatory effects and promote tissue oxygenation.


Organic germanium is a dietary supplement containing germanium that is used for its potential health benefits, including immune system support and antioxidant effects.

The polio virus spreads from person to person through contaminated water or food, even through droplet infection, where the infected person sheds viruses into the environment by coughing or sneezing.

The contagiousness of polio is high, meaning that unvaccinated or under-vaccinated people are at risk of contracting the disease, especially in areas with low vaccination rates.

Thanks to Gimmexin® syrup, your child will feel great after vaccination. Gimmexin® helps the body feel better while offsetting the potential adverse effects of vaccinations.