Each vaccination represents a certain intervention in the body and therefore requires an adjustment in the normal daily routine. Several adverse reactions may occur during the post-vaccination period.

The most common include:

Pain at the injection site

  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Muscle weakness
  • Headache
  • Nausea

The following tips will help you recognize and minimize these side effects:

  • Read the vaccination information sheets provided by your doctor to be informed about potential reactions.
  • We recommend cooling the injection site after the vaccination dose. Use a cool damp cloth to reduce redness, soreness, or swelling.
  • Fever can be reduced by bathing in lukewarm water, but consult a doctor, especially in young children or with persistent fever.
  • Offer liquids more frequently. Maintain a drinking regime, even though the child may have a weaker appetite.
  • After vaccination, avoid excessive physical activity and stay calm. Avoid places with a higher concentration of people.
  • Pay extra attention to the child after vaccination. If you notice anything of concern, consult your doctor.

Remember that the individual advice given by your doctor is key to your child’s care after vaccination.